After viewing our Mega Structure in Jan 2011,
we were contacted by the producers of
The Four Weddings Show,
the hit Channel 7 Series.
Interested in being apart of the new series.
No matter what type of wedding
- big or small - anyone can have a go at winning
a luxury holiday for their honeymoon.
To find out more please view the invite below.
Four Weddings
The Hit Channel 7 Series 'Four Weddings' is back and we are looking
for 2011 brides to appear on the show!!!!
If you are getting married in 2011 and would like the chance to win
a luxury honeymoon then get in touch now.
You can call Leisa on 02 9383 4340 or
We want to see all types of weddings, no matter how big or small the budget. So if your wedding has a theme,
interesting venue, or just something that sets you apart, then this is your chance to win an fantastic prize.